On sunday the 7th of dec on a cold morning tewks played host to ross, tewks again with a strong sqaud of 19 players.
game 1 tewks black vs ross
First half trys from Aaron,2, Jake and connor saw tewks take a 20/0 half time lead. More running rugby in the second half saw more trys from Jake,2, Aaron,Lewis and Alex. Dispite a late try from ross tewks ran out 45/5 winners.
game 2 tewks gold vs ross
Another game of running rugby saw first half trys from Ruben,James,Max,Adam,Oscar and 2 from Ollie, ross replyed with 2 of there own. Which saw a half time score of 35/10. The second half saw Adam and Ollie add to tewks lead to make the final score 45/10 to tewks