The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

Welcome and approval of attendees eligible to vote and apologies

  • Approval of Minutes of the 2022/23 Annual general Meeting and Matters Arising
  • Chairmans Report
  • Financial Report
  • Rugby Reports
  • Clubhouse Report
  • Club Development
  • Membership
  • Nominations and approval of Life Members
  • Election of Honorary Secretary & Honorary Treasurer
  • Confirmation of the Management Committee members and Officers of the Club
  • AOB

View/Download a copy of the Agenda

Election of Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer

Anyone wishing to be nominated for these positions should apply to the Honorary Secretary by email to

View Honorary Secretary role        View Honorary Treasurer role

Nominations and Election of Life Members 

Anyone wishing to nominate a Life Member may do so by emailing the Honorary Secretary at


  • Minutes of the Meeting from the previous AGM
  • Election of Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary
  • Election of Life Members

There are no proxy votes under the Constitution however anyone who is entitled to vote and is not able to attend the AGM and wishes to have an opinion should email the Honorary Secretary

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