Tewkesbury Tigers vs Tetbury Under 12


Sunday saw the Under 12’s heading down to Tetbury for the GRFU Waterfall cup match that had been postponed previously. Team met down in Tetbury and set about a good warm up ready for kick off at 11, some good hits going on during the warm up suggested their was a big appetite for the game ahead. Tewkes kicked off and chased their own kick well, turning over ball and getting good field position, good break down skills and hands from Adam F got Matthew D into space and over for first try of the day. Tewkes then received and ran the ball back hard, setting up a good ruck and then moving the ball quickly into hands for another attack and successful try. Tewkes continued the good start to run in 9 tries in first half and keeping Tetbury from scoring.

Second half brought a change of ends and meant Tewkes now playing up the slope, and it was a slope, but they carried on the good skills on show, rucking and mauling hard before releasing play to each side and gaining good ground. Tetbury fought back and scored 2 very good tries of their own with some superb individual skills on show.

Fave try came late in second half with a good break from Max V from inside own 22, strong ruck fed Matthew D and onto Ollie T, before being brought down short of line, forwards drove over with a good clear out and some good pick and drive took us to within 3 meters. Heads up rugby from Shay and Adam got the ball out of the contact area and onto to Reuben who fed Aaron and a strong run to the opposite corner. Total rugby on show from a very motivated team who worked hard to apply some good techniques with the whole team involved to score a great try!

Tewkes ran out 14 : 2 winners, thank you to Tetbury for being so welcoming and playing the game in great spirit all the way through. Good luck to Tetbury for the rest of the season….




U12s V Malvern

U12s V Malvern

After a very funny week of weather Tewkesbury tigers under 12’s hosted a very strong team from over the boarder , Malvern under 12’s , this was not going to be easy as these as we know can be a very tricky side and are usually good in the backs .
first period.
Tewkesbury tigers under 12’s opted to receive the ball from kick off , from the off Tewkesbury went at Malvern with every thing they had and to be fair the forwards and backs really looked good playing well and winning every thing from the break downs to open play . This created space out wide for Ben Peters to show what he’s made of and go over for the opening try , converted by Charlie Kendrick 7-0 . Next up after more good work from the forwards and with Charlie ,Henry and Sean working well together Brendan lewellyn crossed the line and again Charlie Kendrick stepped up and kicked the extras 14-0 . Then from the kick off Ben Peters caught the ball stepped the on coming Malvern defense and used his pace and skill to weave his way up the field to score in the corner , harder kick but again Charlie Kendrick slotted the extras period ended 21-0 .

2nd period
Tewkesbury made several changes , which whilst trying to settle gave Malvern a chance to get back in to the game and get a foot hold , this allowed them to cross the line themselves twice but both times there kicker missed , Tewkesbury never settled into this period and it ended 0-10 but 21-10 over all .

3rd period .
Tewkesbury made more changes whilst Malvern stuck again with a settled side , Tewkesbury’s side again found it hard to get the intensity back in this period that they had in the first period but after some sustained pressure Charlie Kendrick picked and drove over the line from a few yards out then converted his own try . Period ended 7-0 and 28-10 over all .

4th period .
Tewkesbury now fully in controll made more changes . Tewkesbury this time started to really go at Malvern but while they pressured Malvern near there line and with ball at the back of a ruck lost control for Malverns speedster and probably best player picked it up and broke away to score under the posts conversion missed . Tewkesbury then went at Malvern but could not cross the line them selves this period and it ended 0-5 and 28-15 over all .

I’d like to say that the backs looked really good today and the forwards played great .

U12s V Malvern

U12’s V Chosen Hill

Tewkesbury tigers under 12’s vs Chosen hill under 12’s
On a dry but very cold morning Tewkesbury hosted a chosen hill side . Unfortunately Chosen hill could not field a full side but the Tewkesbury’s players stepped up to help them out and did the club proud .

1st period
Tewkesbury received the ball from kick off and set out to rectify there previous poor preformances and mistakes . They did this as the forwards won most ball in the loose and set pieces , this enabled the backs to shift the ball out wide and pressure chosen . Tewkesbury managed 2 tries this period with 1 converted and 1 falling short . period ended 12-0 .

2nd period
Tewkesbury rotated there players and 3 more took there stint with Chosen hill . Again the Tewkesbury players went at the Chosen hill players with a bit of passion and aggression creating some great play and starting to look there old selves . Again Tewkesbury crossed the line 2 more times and again 1 was converted and 1 was just missed this period ended 12-0 again .

3rd period
Tewkesbury again swapped there players around , but this did not slow them down as the forwards and backs started to play with confidence and for once smiled whilst playing . Good to see . This time though Chosen hill Dug deep and defended very well to keep Tewkesbury out for most of the game , but Tewkesbury’s pressure paid off eventually allowing them to go over for an unconverted try period ended 5-0 .

4th period
More changes but this did not stop Tewkesbury enjoying the game how ever Chosen hill with the aid of some Tewkesbury players ( and ginger marks refing lol) rumbled up the field to go under the posts for a converted try . Tewkesbury then started to move the ball around and with time running out went over for a converted try of there own period ended 7-7 .

I’d like to thank Chosen hills players and coaches , there a credit to rugby and Gloucestershire has there heads never dropped and every single one of them never gave up . Well done lads .

U12s V Malvern

Xmas Pudding Syndrome

On a cold sunny morning Tewkesbury hosted a usually strong team Longlevens and has always they did not disappoint.

First period
Tewkesbury started the game facing up hill and kicking off , from the off Tewkesbury started brightly and looked as though they where ready , but Longlevens defended well and as a few loose passes started to creep in started to pressure Tewkesbury back . ( welcome back lads ) Not as easy as some of the kids thought , but Tewkesbury did open the scoring with some slick hands and good play down the line . Longlevens then through there forwards started to make there way down the pitch to cross the line them selves 5-5 period ended .

2nd period
Tewkesbury now playing down the field and receiving the kick off did them selves no favors by knocking the ball on , scrum Longlevens blind side move try . Tewkesbury did wake up again but every time they made there way down the pitch they panicked a bit and tried to force the play , which either resulted in a knock on or the ball being thrown behind the supporting players . Longlevens on a counter attack managed to cross the line again to make this half 10-0 Longlevens .

3rd period
This period started with both teams playing with a little passion and putting some great effort in to secure the ball and both teams trying to play with width but as the period went on longlevens broke through a ruck to pick and go over the line 5-0 Longlevens period over .

4th period
Tewkesbury dug deep for this period and to be honest they needed too , forwards and backs both where guilty of throwing the ball away in contact (has told when played , prob same as yourselves . DONT PASS POO BALL ON or similar wording ) Tewkesbury pressured Longlevens and once they did created space for them to cross the line . Again Tewkesbury put them selves under pressure from kick off with no one wanting to take charge and catch the ball , but again Tewkesbury dug deep switched on and made a few good decisions and crossed the line again this period ended 10-0 Tewkesbury .

Another lesson learned dont eat to much xmas pudding over the holidays , serious note a lot of hard work is needed as of next week , fitness , passion , pride , teamwork and commitment to the team . Cobwebs gone , dusted off lets start thinking about getting our 2nd county cup won , COME ON THE TIGERS !!!!!!

U12s V Malvern

U12’s V Old Pats

Tewkesbury hosted a very strong Old pats team on a cold wet muddy morning and with several players out this was going to be hard , but a great chance for some players to step up and show what they could do .

first period .

Tewkesbury decided to receive from kick off , from the off the lads laboured to secure the ball and when they did the backs where slow to move the ball down the line playing more as individuals then as the usual team they are . how ever they managed to cross the line twice in this period to win it 10-0 . not alot more to say really , hopefully next period they’d wake up .

2nd period .

Tewkesbury kicked off and from the off came under pressure from a very well drilled Old pats team , Tewkesbury did not help them selves thou by missing tackles and not competing at the break downs letting the Old pats team boss them around the park . Old pats pressure paid off with them crossing the line twice with some great moves and great driving work by the forwards . Tewkesbury then woke up slightly to start to pressure the Old pats team creating some space for them to evenually cross the line to end the game 10-5 Old pats .

3rd period .

Tewkesbury kicked off for this period and went at the Old pats team but for some reason could not find there form . they did pressure enough for them to cross the line , but with time going on fatigue kicking in and an all round lack of passion and desire the Old pats team came in to the game to tie with a nice try of there own period ended 5-5 .

4th period .

Tewkesbury received the ball but under pressure and lacking the passion to push on turned the ball over for Old pats to rumble up the pitch and score the opening try . Tewkesbury then dug deep and the game became an arm wrestle . but with time getting on and Tewkesbury wilting like a daisy in an heat wave Old pats ran in another try . period ended 10-0 Old pats .

Tewkesbury’s players came down from the dizzy heights with a bang today has the Old pats team showed them that you cant just turn up and expect to win you have to do the ground work , hard work , and give 100% always . passion , pride , willing to put your body on the line and the desire to win every thing from the break downs to the game . Well done to the Old pats team great game great out come . Tewkesbury’s lesson learned we move on and grow stronger heads up lads just a bad day at the office 🙂

U12s V Malvern

U12’s County Cup

Again is the time in the season that the county cup is played. Weather forecast Rubbish rain, wind, hail, snow, lol nothing new.
Tewkesbury turned up as arrogant as ever with both players and coaches knowing that we would at least make the quarter finals but believing that this again was our year to lift the trophy.

Tewkesbury vs Frampton Cotteral.
Tewkesbury chose to play up hill to start and from the off pressured Frampton. Knowing we had to start off with a bang we did so with Charlie controlling the play and the forwards providing a great platform for him he weaved his magic creating space for the backs, after a great move down the line Peachy circled around the back exploiting the space out wide and using his pace to score in the corner. From kick off Tewkesbury ran at Frampton and again the forwards did the business and gave Charlie another chance, again he popped the ball down the line for Brendan to go through at pace creating space for Peachy to cross the line again for his second. Now Tewkesbury relaxed and from a great move in the centers, a scissor, Charlie to Sean, turn of pace from Sean unusual lol and another try well done lads, half over.
2nd period.
Tewkesbury now in control lost their shape a little and did start to think they could run in tries as individuals not good even if we did cross the line 3 more times just for the ref to dis-allow them all, even if at least two were fine. But never mind live and learn.

Tewkesbury vs Ross.
Not bitter and twisted about the Ross coach refing our last game and not awarding tries Tewkesbury set about rectifying the matter. From the off though Ross set about us pressuring us and pushing us down the field. But after soaking up the pressure Tewkesbury broke out and with ball in hand gave the ball to Henry out wide who used his size and strength to go over in the corner to make the half 5-0 Tewkesbury.
2nd period.
Tewkesbury woke up in the second period and started to play as a team and from a great drive by the forwards Mason broke away and from screams off his dad to pass cut inside out stepped the defence to cross the line for a lovely try. Again from the off Tewkesbury ran at Ross with vigor, determination and out right aggression for Brendan to find his self in space and again do what he does best cross the line for an impressive try. Tewkesbury again from the off pushed Ross down the field only to be awarded a penalty 5 yards out, penalty move called and boy oh boy dint it work well big Joe crossed the line while Ross scratched there heads. Great game pool now in our hands, plus still no tries conceded. Happy days!

Tewkesbury vs Minchinhampton.
Big game big players big team big test. Oh well no panic our boys where up for it . Minchinhampton put in the big boys and Tewkesbury repelled them every time then turning the ball over for again Charlie to mount a backs attack and put Peachy in again, now with the backs playing great and the forwards pressuring and competing every break down Tewkesbury opened up again and Charlie linked up with Henry for him to cross the line again. 10-0 half time .
2nd period.
Again Tewkesbury played out of there skins pressuring Minchinhampton at every opportunity but again the ref ping us time after time dis-allowing another 2 tries starting to think he does not like us lol but hay ho it happens. Good thing is again we kept a clean sheet.

Tewkesbury vs Cheltenham North.
Relax chill we were through not that the lads needed to know, so business as always and time to turn on the charm. All hands on deck first Peachy then Henry crossed the line wave after wave of Tewkesbury attacking, Cheltenham defended with passion and competed for every thing it was just that Tewkesbury where to strong 10-0 half time.
2nd period.
Tewkesbury started has they finished with Peachy running in another try the 5th of the tournament, 15-0. The forwards now took over with a penalty move called again 10 yards out and again Tewkesbury making the most of it with Sam calving his way through Cheltenhams defence. From the off Tewkesbury forced the ball down the field with great inter play, this resulted in a scrum and with Charlie calling a move we had practised coming off lovely, back inside to Sam for him to cross the line again 25-0 full time and again our defence held out.

Quarter Final – Tewkesbury vs Clifton.
Very big game against probably the second best team in the tournament after us of course. Taking nothing away from the game very physical very competitive very close, backwards and forwards up and down the field till eventually Charlie spotted space out wide to put in a great kick for Peachy to chase down and force Clifton into a mistake and cross the line 5-0 and half time.
2nd period.
Under great pressure from the off Tewkesbury rode there luck, tackled defended pressured Clifton, but wave after wave of attack came from the Clifton team only for Tewkesbury to concede a try 5-5, tense but under great pressure Tewkesbury held out all the players stood up to what was a great game and a great performance. Well done!

As the quarter final game was a draw, the outcome was decided counting back the trys in the pool games and with Tewkesbury not conceding any and scoring lots we are now through to Finals day late rin the season.

All the players had a great day from the starting line to the subs who to be fair played more of a part than they realised . Love to say well done to the lads from the coaches after again making the finals day again. This is becoming an habit that i could get used to 😉
I’d also like to mention Brian aka ginger Mark just to make him happy lol thanks Bri and you Big Mark and Dave .